my Fiction: short story
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The Legend of the Ancient Mechellas

Part 1.   Ages ago, when the earth and the world were young, the world as it was known by the wise, flourished being covered by natures face. The forests of the world had not yet been felled, stood tall, and were at the same time thick and plentiful. Lush and beautiful, they had not yet been studied and explored and many who had journeyed into these forests to try and stuffy them to earn themselves a living had lost themselves in their vast space deciding then to live the rest of their lives within them, starting new lives along with new families. Building home and the like. Industry wasn't conceived along with their cities, and everyone who had lived had been able to know and have peace. Kingdoms as well as their castles with surrounding villages were built. Foundations were established along with authorities to govern them. Strongholds and various statues of power had also been resurrected by man's hand, which others then had looked upon with trust and faith. The people knew that they could rely upon others and put their faith within these people. These individuals were mostly the knights.  Much of the land then was uncorrupted along with freedom, which had great appeal in their surroundings. The world that people had lived within was amazing, full of life, and new discoveries to be taken in. Much lore was created and rehearsed by many of the elderly of the people, as well as some younger who somehow developed a strange fascination with it.  This lore was sung out loud in the multitudes, bestowing a vast history and a grand story that showed everyone that their lives were not meaningless at all. Singing, dancing, and music were every day events, and the people enjoyed life to it's fullest.  The righteous and just people of the earth lived then. People of principle and honor, people who served one God and not others: The one true God. Theirs was an honorable life. The people that lived had a love for their country and the land that surrounded it. Their relationships and their family. All of their surroundings influenced their worship of God.  There were always, the very few, the isolated and the lonely ones, the ones who hated the Christians and their faith in Jesus Christ. These people did not worship the one true God, nor did they want to. These people were never truly understood in their beliefs in Satan, the accuser of the body of Christ. These individuals saw light in their ways, enhanced by the perverted truth of Satan. These people used the Bible itself to constantly sin and accuse the body of Christ. These people had started threats against the people of God, the faithful ones. Their threats were dismissed, but it was certain to a very few faithful ones, the true intentions of these select few. In secret these individuals worshiped the demonic powers: They gave their souls over to Satan. They performed many demonic rituals and killed many people as a result of their allegiance to Satan. These individuals were ignored most of their lives and not given the right truths about God and His kingdom. Satan came along and slowly tainted, corrupted, and changed their understandings about God, making God out to be false. Satan deceived these individuals with his false truths about the church and God's people. Satan, over the time of these individuals' lives, made their minds into his likeness, along with their bodies. They were too far-gone to be converted by the Christians, concerning real truths about God and his kingdom.The real truths could no longer be enforced into their minds. They were ignorant to the word of God and ignored truth given to them by the Christians who, at the time, were the guardians of peace. The true Christians lived then. These individuals were God-fearing individuals who exercised and did God's Word daily, not focusing upon the flesh and temporary emotions. They were unfazed by the false truths of Satan and his followers. These Christians were connected to God in such a way that they were His sons. The Christians then knew the real truths of God and His kingdom. They were unfazed by the false truths of Satan. The kingdom was not just a kingdom of people. It was a kingdom of Heaven on earth. It was as scripture says, "On earth as it is in Heaven." This kingdom consisted of The King, the king, and the king's knights. These knights were descendants of Holy lineage, descendants of their fathers before them who glorified and acknowledged God in all things.  These were children who were called by God in their early adulthood, as well as the King. They were loyal to their king and his kingdom. These Knights were Holy Knights of God that upheld His word, and who ministered to many of the people. These Holy Knights were respected by all who saw them and by God. Their head was the king. This king was a part of the Christians: He as well believed in the truth of God and upheld his Word. With this, the king could manage the kingdom wisely. To honor these knights the people appointed the kingdom's blacksmiths with a job to exercise. The blacksmiths were to build armored statues that stood on each side of the center building in the castle yard. It was meant to honor the Knights for their deeds. These armors that the blacksmiths soon resurrected were called Mechellas, armors that were built in honor of the King and his Knights. As the Mechellas were resurrected that day, engravings were etched and carved out under each Mechella that stood up. They read read, "Let everyone who may pass by these holy landmarks built in honor of the Knights of Christ, always remember their sacrifice for our God and his kingdom." All in the kingdom who passed by knew of these monuments built in honor of the Knights. The people of the kingdom favored and honored the Knights for their bravery and courage to prevail against all odds that befell them. Though the very few despised the King and his beliefs, as well as his knights. They loathed what the knights did for the people and believed that the people were too weak to care for. Years later, after the resurrection of the Mechellas built in honor of the knights, the dark day came. The warlocks that had assembled that night journeyed to the heart of the kingdom. These individuals were not just ordinary people, but they were strong warriors who had banned together because of their beliefs and allegiance to Satan. Soon they came upon the Mechellas, standing upright, apart from any other ordinary sight that was part of the castle. In the night, by horse they transported the armors out of the kingdom and into the vast reaches of the wilderness into the unknown caves that lay there. They were individuals who practiced the demonic powers and worshiped Satan. These people used to be normal people but eventually by deception, they were deceived by Satan with his false truths about Christianity. That is why they despised the King and his Knights. They longed for the destruction of the kingdom and the assassination of the King along with it, and now they believed that they were going to finally receive it. After days of preparation for this moment they began to manifest the demonic powers into the Mechella armors. They did not know what the cost of serving Satan was; Because of his deceptions over the many years of they're lives. The armors rose up in darkness, killing all who were present. Afterwards that, the Mechellas descended upon the kingdom and they're dark shadows consumed its surrounding lands in darkness. Since the Mechella's were on the outskirts of the kingdom it took some time for them to reach inward to the heart of the kingdom. Wherever they treaded was left burning ashes. It was the beginning of the evil times. The time when evil would lay waste to the lands and burn almost all life away. All overlooked this prophecy but it was true and solid. May miscellanous  armors throughout the surrounding lands beforehand had been built, but these armors weren’t shaped like men at all, but rather reptilian in nature. They had long vast wings like large birds. These armors were soon touched by the Mechellas and soon came to life. They were called Dragon's afterwards. The Dragon's that were aerial with demonic power laid waste to the land from with in the sky. They were rumored to have scales that were practically impenetrable by any weapon crafted. They weren't actually scales, but thick plates of armor, which lined their bodies from head down. These Mechellas moved hastily throughout the kingdom. The Dragon Mechellas soon turned it into a burning heap of ash with in hours. They laid waste to and ravaged the city around until there was nothing left but rubble. Many were killed while some escaped the terror. Many after the destruction of they're kingdom stopped believing in God because of the destruction of they're kingdom in front of they're very eyes. With this in mind they turned away from they're King and stopped believing in the Knights. The Knights being told this face to face by their people decided to leave for they were not needed, the people would not have them anymore. With no place to go they became vagabonds and roamed the land where there were small parts of life and lived there for a time. The King began to pray to God, because he didn't know what to do from there, for the King longed to return to his kingdom. The King was fasting when God spoke to him. God told the King to assemble the Knight's again and to return to the kingdom that was ravaged by the Mechellas. God told the King not to go in daytime but at nightfall. So the King gathered the company of Knight's once again, traveling back to their kingdom. The King was in question as to what God had planned. God spoke to the King again and said that he would shield and protect the them. After that the King and his company of Knights journeyed to their kingdom, their homeland. At nightfall, upon arrival they saw before they're eyes the devastation that had befallen their kingdom. The castle was still standing and that it was a safe refuge for now. Overhead dragon Mechellas could be seen. The dragon Mechella's were surveying landscape for signs of people, but since God had told them to go at night fall to the kingdom, the dragons couldn't see them in the night time and so the King and his Knights were safe. What God had said was true, He had given them protection, and the night that God gave them was clouding the dragon's vision. The King and his Knights quickly made they're way to the castle that was still standing a ways from them. They run right into one Dragon that is surveying the landscape from the ground. Their reflection could be seen perfectly within its eye. Some begin to panic, but some trust in God despite their situation, for they knew that God is with them. And thus they were transparent to the Dragon. The Dragon passes by unaware of their presence. The King offers up thanks for this while they finally make it to the castle. It is a short time to set up camp inside the castle. They trusted in God that he would keep them safe through the night and morning. During that night they gathered all they could together worshipping God. This was a great victory for them, thus they rejoiced. The night soon passes, persuaded away by the glory of the morning. With in the rising sun light the castle now reflects the sun’s pure light, which shows through the few cracks and some big holes in the walls. The light that has shown through lights the inside wall, while at the same time, illuminating the remnants of the surrounding town that has been ravaged by the dragons, wakes the king. He decides to walk to the summit of the castle. HE begins to survey the surroundings. The castle is high enough that when one looks out one can see for a few miles. His attention then shifts to the rubble down below the castle that is the city, the evidence of a fallen kingdom, once glorious and now in ruin. He now begins to fully realize his mistakes which led to this in the first place, disobedience. He wishes now, that this fate had never come upon his people's land. His only wish is that a future be conceived for the rebirth of the kingdom. But his country which is in the present time, which he continues to observe is still ravaged, still consumed in ruin. The king and his company start to reminisce about the elder days of their reign, days of a past long forgotten due to the ruin and ravaged land in which they lived together in harmony. They remember once again without fault, the great love of the people for their King and the king. But now as they look beyond they see the continuing land before their eyes and they begin to let their hopes away, their dreams, and their future. Suddenly they have a change of thought. That regardless of their situation being hopeless, that they will hope, even if it never comes to be. They all look up into the blue sky before their eyes, which has scattered clouds as far as their eyes can see for miles from atop the summit of the castle. They feel the warmth of the sun on their faces and some close their eyes, embracing while some look confidently now into the sky. They all are able to hope once again. The king raises his sword into the morning sky towards the sun. And with that they gather up their belongings and ride off into the wilderness. The crusade for the lost kingdom has begun.

Part 2.   Night has fallen with in the vast reaches of the world. The King and his company are nearing and now entering a vast fallen forest slash wetland, vast, going on for many miles. As the company stares on as they enter the forest they remember how this natural realm was once rich and beautiful, abounding with lush foliage. Fully-grown trees now lay felled and stripped of their life, leafless and cold, almost frozen. The water has risen in the forest as well, submerging the horse's up past their legs towards and to the bottom part of the horses torso. As they continue on they notice that sky is clear this night and the moon is shining through, reflecting the felled trees before them with a ghostly light. It is clear to the company, what the dragon Mechellas had started and had left, the death of life. As if all was somehow coming to an end, the company feared. Death and barren light is what filled the marshes, along with a fearful knowledge of what might be waiting for all. The soundless abyss like hush of the forest ahead of the company helped to aid their fears as well as their fear of their own individual deaths, giving life to their darkest thoughts. One of the knights atop his horse puts his hand on a near by tree causing it to fall into the water. He as well as the rest of the company can clearly sense the demonic force that inhabits and lives with in the forest, controlling vast reaches, and keeping all things from rebirth. There is with it a heaviness that each one of the Knights as well as the King feels. The company is never without pity and lament for this forest realm, for they remember when they as children had played with in it's vast, almost unending space, it's beauty. But for now as the future had developed, it was as if a dream to them, a fantasy that they could only taste with their memory or imagination. They remember how beautiful it used to be, even when they were adults as well as children. Everyone loved their land, this land that is now before them. A deep love fueled by the history spoken to them by their parents, which concerned their ancestors. They had all learned how to harvest the lands properties, benefiting form their bounty, while at the same time putting back into the land what was needed to make it grow. This is why they looked down upon the forest with pity and lament for what the Mechellas had done to it, what was stolen away from the earth. How much of it had been destroyed by the demonic presence of the Mechellas. While still reminiscing the company’s horses start freaking. One of the knights is thrown off of his horse, falling into the water. Because the water amplifies sound a thump can be heard. The company knows what is about to happen, dismounting from atop their horses, swords drawn and ready for anything. The king's eyes widen as he sees the water start rippling from what is about to come out of it. Right then, the Dragon Mechella rises out from under the lake. First its wings out stretch, water flying everywhere and running off, and then the rest of the body follows after fully emerging. Its hunched neck extends, its head being the last part to fully rise. The Dragon lets out a horrid cry. The Dragon’s eyes are shown with a reflection of the company within them, like a mirror. Steam rising out from its partly open mouth into the night. It's head jerks upward and back at the same time and as it comes back starts belching concentrated fire right at the company of knights. They scatter and evade at the same time. The dragon continues to pursue them belching fire at them, setting ablaze what is left of the forest and even evaporating much of the water. The knights try and use the forest to their advantage but to no avail, the flames are lighting all possible hopes of hiding, the remnants of the trees are burnt down to the water's level by the intense flame that the dragon has created. Flame is everywhere and the forest is illuminated. The king then has the knight's scatter everywhere as in a hope for confusing the dragon. In its confusion and its pause, the knights begin attempts in the slaying of the dragon, each going at it with all of their strength. One manages to cut the dragon in the arm, but he is swatted away. The fact that the Dragon has superhuman strength cause the force of the Dragon swiping away the knight to break the knights rib. The knight coughs up blood but keeps making attempts to cut the Dragon. Some of the other knights receive the same thing fighting the Dragon. In the dragon's distraction and the knights rage, one manages to finally cut off the Dragon’s arm with his long sword. The severed part falls off of the dragon, blood running out, turning the water red. The dragon tries to swat him away but fails. The knight seeing an open shot runs with all of his strength towards the breast plates, thrusting and using the piercing power of his long sword to reach the Dragons heart. The Dragon lets out a cry of pain and is weakened by the piercing thrust. With that the knight who has had his hands still on the sword the entire time twists the sword and then pulls it upward through the heart of the creature, after that retreating back with his sword in hand. Blood begins to spray out of the chest of the creature drenching the knight who just pierced the Dragon, the Dragon still screaming in pain. While this was happening another knight has managed to get on top of the Dragon’s back and run over to the Dragon’s long neck and start to climb it, thrusting a short sword into the Dragon’s neck, with another short sword at the ready. The Dragon is in great pain as this knight still continues stuck to the Dragon’s neck like a mountain climber with his special climbing pick. The dragon begins to move erratically in order to try and shake the knight off but it is no use for the knight has used his other short sword to pierce the other side of the Dragon’s neck in an insane way of climbing the Dragon. The other knights begin to keep their distance because it is all up to the knight. Any attempt to reach the dragon will fail for the erratically flailing about Dragon would knock anyone back. The knights stare in amazement as the knight stays stuck on the Dragon and slowly manages to climb the Dragon’s neck and finally reach the Dragon’s head. The knight still keeps one sword stuck so that he can keep on top of the Dragon. The knight uses the other sword and it takes about a minute of continual hammering with the sword but the knight finally manages to break the armor of the Dragon’s head. With a mighty cry thrusts his sword into the Dragon’s skull, twists it with both hands and runs it through the rest of the skull in front of him, the sword coming out of the front of the Dragon’s skull. Blood is spraying out of the Dragon’s mouth and running down its neck from the various puncture wounds on it’s neck. Finally the Dragon stops flailing around and is about dead, when the King removes his long sword, with all of his might, cutting the Dragon’s head off. With that the knight jumps off safely and the King then cleans off his sword from the blood. The severed parts as well as the body of the fallen Dragon falls to into the knee deep water blood filling the water now. The company rejoices about the victory over the Dragon and it’s presence that haunted the forest realm, keeping everything dead, for they know that they couldn't of done it without God's help.

Part 3.    The company is tired and after a few miles of walking they decide stop to make camp for they now see a stone foundation standing within the midst of the forest. It is one of the abandoned strongholds of the outskirts of the kingdom. A fire is started and the knights praise God for almost the entire night. They all eventually collapse from exhaustion and the company sleeps well, for they were able to sleep soundly without having to wear their armor. Even though they thanked God for the victory and praised him for giving it to them, they still are mortal men. Soon after, the days that passed on they continued and their quest continued as well, coming across many and bringing many in to follow them through the heartlands, as well as slaying various Dragons, Mechellas, and other demonic creatures in God's name. Eventually through their ever going journey, more and more each day were added to their fellowship and the king even inducted some more to his knights. So many were added to the fellowship that one Mechella armor wasn't even a problem for the king and his Knights. More and more were being converted and believing in God's word. For this happening the king every day gave thanks to God for the uprising in the Christian faith. He thanked God for aiding the crusade in prevalence over the demonic Mechella armors, and the people's faith in God. Every day the people came together in one accord and worshiped God and thanked him for his daily aiding them in the crusade. They thanked him for their lives and their children's lives that have been. Years have begun to pass since the Mechellas downfall. The foliage eventually grew once again. It grew twice the size of its former size. The reason being is that since God's people were destroying most of the Mechella armors, the absence allowed foliage, life to return. Death was almost gone and in its place life was coming back to the land. The people prospered once again, not even in their own homeland. Even though the people sometimes missed their homeland, they were just as thankful to God for what he had given them again. They missed their familiar forests and familiar homes, but they had built for themselves better homes and better lands.After their years of absence from their homeland they begin to reminisce about their long lost land. They began to want and long to return to it, and rebuild it once more. What was taken away from their land, they wished to restore it fully. This was God prompting their hearts to start a new. After that it isn't long until the people decide that they want to return to their kingdom, their original homeland, recommending it to the King and his company. They wouldn't exercise it without God's approval for the decision. The people approached the king afterward and ask this favor of him. The king after that requires a Sabbath for brooding to God. It is then agreed and the king begins. That day, almost all of the people stop their duties.

Part 4.    Ten years after that day passed, it had ended, the time of absence from their homeland had far passed, and the people had finally made it back to the outskirts of their kingdom. They begin to take in the devastation, the felled strongholds of their kingdom in the years of absence. As some look to the castle they see that it is still standing after all of the many harsh years. The year's seasons warred upon the castle and yet after all of the first flames of the Dragons, the castle still stood, almost as if evil itself could not truly destroy it. Even though their home is almost gone and is in ruins, they see the beautiful foliage that has taken it's place, the trees that now stand that had begun to grow showed to the people a type of hope for the future, a place of rebirth that was about to come. It was very minor but it still looked beautiful to the people. For years they had to embrace dark and lifeless forests on the crusade to reclaim and journey back to this place, felled lands and barren wilderness had taken the place of beauty in these peoples minds, their lands, their homes and their new journey. They had to take shelter with in these ominous lands, absent of the breath of God, stolen away by evil's death. Days after it passes and with in the next few days of return, the people begin to move into the surrounding city that has been destroyed. The people rejoice as they travel through the streets of the city. The king and his company of knights decide together upon absence from the city before their eyes and make camp on the outskirts of the city where the castle lay beyond. The company believes that almost all of the Dragon's have retreated or have been slain, but God favors preparation and the king knows this as well as his company. “We have finally returned to our home again. Help us to watch over our people's future here and to rebuild Your kingdom. Everyone's wills, their faith and their vision shall continue to build God's kingdom... My one wish is for His kingdom upon this earthly land to endure even through the passing of years, that the people's faith in God will not fade or waver, but will become ever stronger than what it was this day, and those days that came before them.” The king and his company is riding their horses through the streets of the city surrounding the castle. "You are a good king my Lord, I am honored to be within your service. It is clear why God has chosen you to be king of this kingdom..." The king smirks stopping his horse and looks at the individual. "No, do not feel honored for this right to serve me... I am but a servant in His service... If it weren't for the peoples will and their vision, people like your self, always with passion for the kingdom of God and the faith to uphold it, faith and works together, this world would never have come to be... It is not myself that makes the kingdom work for the people; it is their faith in their God and their enduring passion for the kingdom that makes all of this possible.... You need not thank me for anything; I am just a figure, a servant, and a shadow of Jesus Christ... It says in God's Holy Word, the people fail without the vision of the Lord... That is why there is a king for this kingdom... We the authorities of this earthly kingdom, we are the ones who set a specific boundary and that sets a foundation for the people. As long as a boundary is set then the people will prevail. Order, for God is a God of order... People, no, we need restraints… God has entrusted us with this earth for a reason, to honor and praise His name with it." "My Lord, it is clear why you have been chosen as our king." The king looks on towards the castle and decides with the rest of his company to migrate towards the outskirts of the city. After some hours, the night sky is born once again. All within the ravaged city have made up camp, and have built fires as well as taken shelter within the ruins of their city for the night. The night isn't quiet though. As some of the people decide not to sleep but to celebrate their return to their homeland. Newly developed lore as well as music and their instruments add new life to the night, as well as singing, dancing, and merriness, anything that can be sung or played on musical instruments is happening. Many peoples are laughing and many of the children of different families have started their own dance together, everyone joining in as well as new songs thought up right then in a moment. These unique melodies and songs have come together within the night, which create a beautiful sound in many peoples ears and as well as in their hearts. The royal company has joined the city fires and music. They sit around the various fires warming themselves in the light presented by the flames of the fire as well as taking in the sight of the peoples happiness. This helps to warm their spirits. Most of the royal company do not speak but choose to silently enjoy it all. Many people have fallen asleep from the long journey back and many others have stayed up during the night to celebrate, for their tiredness seemed futile to them for all of the music and presentation that night had overwhelmed their spirits and soon their tiredness had ceased. After the first night of happiness, nights of worship accompanied them in return lasting hours into and as well as through the night till morning. Though after so many hours a lot of the people collapse because of tiredness. Sometimes they didn't tire. Their worship was never self-centered (like a lot of modern day worship) and always exalted the Lord in every way that they could think of. Their worship always illuminated the coldest and the darkest of nights in the remnants of the fallen city. The people praised God for what they had gained and what they already had been given, their lives, and the safe return journey back to their homeland, along with the Mechellas downfall. Dragons were no longer seen and life was fully returning to the land. The ash that the dragons had left behind had actually turned into a type of fertilizer scattered over the soil. What the Mechellas had taken away from God's people had returned back to the people of God in full. The restoration of life was now being put into being. Many of the people were still cautious about the Mechellas. Even after months of the Mechellas absence, people still knew how to notice their environment, if they should be ever watchful of their enemies, the Mechellas. Felled strongholds after the months of passing had been rebuilt and resurrected by the people. These strongholds were afterwards turned into lookout posts for any Mechellas over the horizon. Off within the distant outskirts as night has come across the forest before the city gates, the trees begin to move back and forth amongst the darkness. Only the tops of the trees can be seen, restless as they were are then noticed by the individuals that live at the outposts. These individuals have much suspicion as to what is happening within the forests. Both individuals then alert the rest of the people within the stronghold. The two individuals rush to separate sides of the fort. A man made river is shown, made out of resurrected stone. A sister river is at the other end of the fort. The two individuals take from the wall beside themselves a torch each: Blazing brightly, both individuals drop the torches into the river igniting the river a blaze. These two identical rivers were in fact man made rivers of oil, spanning through and then across the entire city around the castle and to the castle itself. The flame continues to travel on top of the gasoline, continuing to burn and stay a flame traveling through the kingdom. The fire was an emergency alert for such a time for it would take too long to alert everyone by horse or on foot so this system was perfected, with gasoline on top of oil, combined so that the fire would continue to burn through the night and alert everyone. The flames high river of flames now fully through out the kingdom illuminated the city as well as parts of the castle. Everyone knew what this fire meant and soon almost everyone in the kingdom and the city were awake, waiting for their enemy to come. A sudden banging on the kings quarters and soon the knights are awake and ready for battle. The company knows where to go. They then quickly suit up and mount up on their horses and they are off. They continue to follow the river of flame to its end. They will shoulder the burden about fighting flesh and blood, demonic powers that come from outside and threaten their existence, as well as their kingdoms existence and its future. The kingdom had almost been rebuilt and they were not about to let it escape their grasp and loose their homeland once again. They were prepared to fight for their lives and their people's lives. They were prepared to act as a sacrifice in place of their people. This is why they were Knights, this is what a true knight exercised, self-sacrifice to his kingdom. The flame continues to blaze higher as the gasoline evaporates and gives birth to the oil underneath. The heat is intense when close enough to the flame. The knights and their king continue to venture on. The journey from one end of the kingdom to the next is almost a full mile, and the company is very serious about their approaching battle ahead of themselves. Continuing to ride on, as they are about to reach the beginning of the flames. The flames then begin to consume the rest of their path ahead of them. This stops the company as they begin to dismount with their weapons ready for anything. They can hear the distant noises coming from the opposite end of the fire before them and they continue to stay alert. The heat is very intense, even for them wearing armor. One brushes the sweat off of his brow; There are no longer any noises coming from the opposite side of the fire. Most of the company begins to wonder as to where the creatures are. The creatures emerge slowly from within the fire, their scales reflecting the bright light of fire that is around them. These creatures on the other hand were much larger then the Mechellas that were dealt with in the past. Apparently the Mechellas had spawned others in their image. The creatures continue to look into the knights with a piercing gaze. This gaze was very persuasive and made few less defensive.  Using this to their advantage the creatures fully emerge from their fire and attack the company. The rest of the creatures pass the knights into the city. Fire and flame begins to reign down from the sky as well as from the ground and soon much of the kingdom is in flame. Flame and soot, as well as the smoke that accompanies the burnt foliage chokes and kills people, as well as the creatures themselves. Some people try to fight back against the creatures with pathetic weapons, but they are consumed in flame. These creatures continue to ravage the city that stands before the castle.

Part 5.   Off in the distance a young man is shown, not even out of his early twenties. This is a young king who has been spared because of his faith. He has long black hair and has with him a company of knights as well. Their armor is very different in design. It is still horse riding armor but it is much darker. From a distance this young king and his knights can see what is happening to the kingdom below. Just as it had almost happened to his kingdom. He made the right decision within the past and exiled the children of Satan from his lands. Though the young king did notice that the flames that enveloped most of the city before him were not dying for these flames were not of natural fuel. The company knew this for their king had heard word from various messengers scattered across distant lands that entire kingdoms had been wiped out and so he had decided to journey forth with a select company of men and hunt down these demonic creatures, killing them at the same time. Thus he knew about the Mechellas.As the new company continues to stand on the brink of the fallen city that is consumed with flames, the young king looks at the flames without emotion and without pity, stoic. His first general rides up besides the young king, this man is older then the young king but recognizes the strong character of the young king, for that is why this young man is king. "My lord, what is it to be decided for our company? What is your plan of action, my lord?" The young king then rallies everyone closer together in the cold of the night. "Let all of us pray; Let all of us value one another's lives and everyone else. Let us go down in history, perhaps unto the glory of the Angels in heaven.  Let us claim victory over this fallen land in the name of our Lord and our God! Let us slaughter this company of demonic manifestations in the name of our Father and our fathers! Let us de-spell the dark, that veil which is corrupting this land." "Now, everyone let us go forth into this city and die for our Lord and our God! Sound it!" Every tenth man in the front line in perfect unison begins to remove a ram’s horn from their sides and they begin to blow into these instruments of war. A mighty sound is building from many horns together in unison, sent forth and exalted. All of the company behind the front line then remove their weapons and stay saddled upon the tops of their horses in one accord while the call is still being sounded. Again the call is sounded and all of the horse warriors raise their voices in one accord creating a mighty roar unlike any other cry ever heard in all of the land. The company of horse warriors begin to move and with in a short period of time they are off at flank speed charging into the city. As they continue onwards the rams horns are blown again and again, each time a more fierce and more powerful battle cry comes forth out of the ends of these mighty horns. As well as the men on the horses let out a mighty battle cry in unison along with the rams horns, creating a greater, mightier sound, ever more succeeding its original preceding, unlike the one before it. The horse warriors move swiftly through the city and towards the dragons that are congregating at the base of the fallen city. The horses hoofs creating a mighty thunderous sound, does not resemble a sound like a noise at all as much as a wave of power as well as the harmonizing battle cry and rams horns being blown. These horse warriors are unlike any the people have seen before.This new army of knights continue onward towards the middle of the city suddenly joining into one single company, riding, one singularity. Then through the center of the gathered knights the kings shouts the order and the company separates while the king rides through the center to the head of the company of knights. The company of knights, with the king at the head of them begin to form into one unit once again, continuing onward towards the center of the fallen city where the dragons lye, soon to be taken. The king looks up from where he is, towards the end of the city. His eyes widen as he takes in the sight of a mighty company of knights charging forward about to join them in their battle lead by a young king. The continuing movements of the horses hoofs are continually seen as the sight of the young king still starring at these knights on horseback is still shown from behind the horses legs. Suddenly as a flash, the neighboring company of knights sweeps past the king as fast as the wind moves over a field. The king is thrown off of his hoarse by the mighty thunderous sound of the army filtering around him and onward into battle with the dragons. The dragons turn around just in time to take in the sight of these mighty knights rushing them on. Right then in one second, the knights descend upon the dragons in utter brutality, cutting, slicing and hacking their way through the army of dragons. The swiftness of these warriors is breathtaking and the dragon legion are soon becoming less upon less. The young king knows exactly where these dragon scales are and he is swift to implement this advantage of knowledge. He is warring and slaughtering these creatures left right and center, as are the rest of his knights. Blood is flying everywhere for these creatures are massive but are at the same time small to these knights. A small percent of the young kings knights are being slaughtered and the king knows this. He knows of the causalities of war. The dragons are starting to make a swift comeback. Both kings see this happening. The young king who knows the dragons weakness relays to the other king to alert his knights of the dragons weakness, the shoulders, the neck, and the waist. The king shouts out as loud as he can and the cry is echoed across the entire two companies of warring knights. The other knights who are getting beat are able to make a swift comeback, slicing, cutting, and chopping at the vital weaknesses of the dragons, barely surviving, yet slaughtering their enemies at a the same time.

Part 6.   The last dragon is finally slain and the two companies who have mingled into one mighty company stop and begin to take in the sight of their victory, not taking into account that they are almost all drenched in their enemy’s blood. The mighty company look to one another as the sun begins to rise and reveal through the trees behind the castle and the city. Swiftly, uncontainable joy and shouts of praise, as well as much rejoicing, begin to erupt over the mighty company. Some raise their weapons in victory while others run through the street proclaiming and shouting the victory that the Lord has brought to them, and to the city filled with the people. Suddenly a mighty victorious and at the same time praising roar begins to resonate and ascend into the morning sky. A cry so loud and unique that some of the cities people just stand speechless and take in the sound of the cry. Others begin to weep while others just smile and look upward praising God and smiling. The roar of the victory starts to dye down but some of it remains. The two kings meet, the young king not ordering his horse to move while the other king rides towards him. "I can not believe about this happening? I believed myself to be alone with my knights to fight this evil legion... How did you know to come? I sent no word into the rest of the land to return a reply... I sent no scout, no messenger, and yet my knights were answered by your kingdom, which I never even knew still existed. I had believed all others to have fallen to the enemy." The young king looks at the king with a strange look and a smile. He starts to laugh a little. "Did you possibly think that you were alone in this fight? The Lord instructed me to answer you of your sin of disobedience and ignorance…” “I see… I was wrong to disobey. It was easy to believe my kingdom invincible… It was easy for me to disregard and not take into account the threats of the children of Satan… Never again. I will reach out of myself ever more so.” The young king shrugs it off for he sees the reaction on the older kings face and what the older king has confessed and is planning to do differently in the future.  “Do you possibly think God only favors your people, the bulk of the world? You are in the grace of God... Your knights are in the grace of God... How can you think that your principles and your doctrines have stayed in your own courts? This knowledge is not hidden from the world or the minds of mankind united... It is truth known to anyone who believes in Him, to anyone who trusts and does not seek his or herself, who is obedient. God manifests the longings of people's hearts in others who have not possibly heard or have even seen others with the same passions and longings." The older king then lifts his head a little higher towards the sky, eyes closed laughing, and then ends it with a happy sigh bringing his head back down. "I did not know, I am at mercy now." The young king smiles at the older king. "There is nothing to forgive... You did not truly know." The neighboring king extends his hand forward towards the other king. The neighboring king shakes it and then gives the king a burly one-handed hug. "Lets go." Right then the two kings ride off into the city, coming upon a landmark in the shape of the cross. Both decide to stop their horses and dismount. Both approach the cross. The older king falls to the ground and praises God, while the other king stands reverently, looking up into the sky above the top of the cross with pride in his face. His cape begins to blow as the wind sweeps through the city. "The day is yours my King, my Lord, my God. I shall tell of your glory, I shall pass the Legend of the Mechellas upon my descendants and they shall tell of this legend to their children... How your glory shown through a company of men, who reclaimed a kingdom in Your name, for Your glory, and Your honor." The neighboring king still on his knees then rises to his feet with a smile and looks onward into the morning horizon, beyond the cross.

Part 7.   Years have passed since the great crusade to reclaim their kingdom and it was successful for God was with the people as well as the king and his knights. The kingdom since then was under construction and was still being rebuilt. More years soon pass afterwards and the kingdom is finally rebuilt. Everyone had decided to take part in the rebuilding of the castle and the city around it. They sought after the Lord about the rebuilding of the castle and the city, and soon they began to resurrect it once again. It rose up again more glorious then ever. The new white luster and quality of the newly rebuilt city shown so brightly in the sun that it reminded the people and the king of what heaven might truly look like, how bright it might be. The kingdoms glory had become greater then it's former glory and the people took the sight in. They had truly learned a lesson from all of this warring and fighting, the devastation of demonic forces upon this realm of theirs. What tragedy could have still befallen the lands soon afterwards only if they did not witness and pay attention more to those who need Jesus, and are or have been hurt by the world as well as Christians alike. They knew from their own mistakes, that they were wrong to have not paid attention to those on the outside of them. Meanwhile the construction upon the new house of praise had been completed. Through all of the prayer and construction that had gone into the building of the new house of praise, a building of mighty heights was the house of praise. The mighty heights of this building were set to house everyone, so that equal room was considered and made, in able for all to worship and praise together in one accord together. There were many who brought instruments along with them to praise God with. There was no center stage, to spotlight a select crowd of praise bands, so that no one, one man, would receive singular glory. The instrumentalist were scattered throughout out the vast crowds that would soon come within the insides of the structure. Its mighty heights were also considered in its construction for proper acoustic harmony. So that even if the people were of one voice unto God, that it would sound right as well. That the sound waves would group and be amplified by the construction of the building as well. When the people would sing His praises, the sound of the entire people would echo together, ascending throughout the house of praise, creating one glorious and powerful resonating anthem. This was the anthem of the saints, the praise of the believers. An unearthly sound, almost an angelic voice, unhindered by anyone, resonating ever perfectly. Complete selflessness. A shout of triumph, a shout of praise...                              A shout unto God The End      


The main King

to be continued

Holy knight armor... 2nd picture down from the main king picture.

Fields around the kingdom.

Mountains outside of the kingdom.