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  Brighter days are yet to come

Yes I see it all around me now if I choose to acknowledge the truth and look at the trees. Life is springing back into them. I see as I drive down the highways. Certain trees with things growing once again, but ever so slowly. May the messed up weather here in Michigan cause spring to come at an early time. And there has been screwy weather in the summer of this state as well, like snow in summer, and a hot summer day in winter. And yes I do know that snow is beautiful, but consider what is required for it to be present. Coldness. I was born in a summer month and so maybe that effects why I love summer and spring. But I have to say it. People seem to like death and the like. Seasons that symbolize death as well. Why is this so? Actually when I ask people they say that they don't like winter but they like the snow. But snow is a part of winter and so I wonder. Maybe it's just my weird way of thinking to locate a logic to their thinking for everything in this world and the next is connected, there is no such thing as chance or accident. There is reason and logic behind everything. Everything is governed by a created law. Sacrifice is the law of all life to exist. Something must be lost in able to be gained. Alchemists came across this law. Even when someone receives a gift that is called free, it is only free to them because someone else had to pay for it, or that it costs blood and sweat. it still doesn't dismiss the fact that the gift required something to be purchased. Even its construction cost something. A continual barrage of sacrifice. Matter explodes and is lost and something else fills that gap and empty space. Nothing is free, nothing.

The Light of Truth:

Beyond the door of death there is a Light. This Light is what governs all life, reality, and all of existence. Only those who journey beyond death can see this light and commune with it. It is only by passing through death that one can obtain all truth to this existence. They can finally be whole and know the Light itself.

  The Jesus Camp dvd

     Regarding the Jesus Camp documentary:

I was horrified when I learned that this type of thing was going on at camps. I remember my times at camp and they were life changing and awesome and I even learned how to worship on my own there since there was freedom for the Holy Spirit to call my heart to worship. I remember all the great things about camp. And then I see this Jesus Camp dvd and it is completely. The big thing that bothers me about it is that they are dumping their stuff on little children and that there is no training to use the Word of God at all. All they do is have the children assemble and then rush them all at once, not giving the children the chance to learn at all. And so the children get really emotional and take on the exact atmosphere that the adults, none are unique and still a part of the whole, the all do exactly the same thing as the rest. The thing is that you can tell that these children have not been brought up with a strong foundation of daily reading of God's Word and a strong Christian home, and then they are rushed and shoved stuff about abortion. What especially disgusted me is when they brought out plastic fetuses and gave them out to the children. God I would pray that these adults who are targeting these children would be punished. These children do not truly know what they are getting in to. Children do whatever they are told when they trust someone. Basically the adults earn the trust of the children, and then they force whatever it is they have onto these innocent children. I come from a home that had its many screw ups and the like and there are many evils that went on inside of it. But one thing sustained me, Jesus Christ. So much hell was brought upon me. But the fact that I was raised up on a solid root. That in my days of childhood I remember reading the Bible inside and out is what sustained me. My root lyed with Jesus Christ from the beginning. Thats why when I see these children immediately taking on the environment instantly, I know that they have not been raised up on a strong root, that their root is not Jesus Christ. That is why they behaved like they did when the environment changed. Overall I got a really dark creepy feeling from Jesus Camp dvd. I urge all of you who may have children who still have their innocence in tact and some childhood years left in their lives before the world tries to steal them away. Do not send your children to any camp like the one featured in the Jesus Camp dvd. If you care at all and if you love them, you will not send them there. If you have no children and you know someone who is thinking of sending their children to that camp or a camp that does that same things, DO NOT! Please for the sake of your children. Raise them up on a strong Biblical root. They do not need camps like the one featured on Jesus Camp dvd. They need a camp that there is freedom to worship, that has a proper balance of studying of His word, fellowship, freedom and friendships. Like the camp I went to, where they were not forced to become militant. That was the camp I went to, not this Jesus Camp.

Brooding about witnessing: I was really brooding about the reason why people who go out and supposedly witness wind up not winning souls over to God. Now in the past I have written a response about it to a friend who just really wanted a patsy, pansy, pat them on the back response to a blog of theirs that did not address anyone else but that person venting their emotions and feelings. They really did not want to change their ways and try to really reach the lost. They just wanted to point out the judgmental finger on everyone who drank and the like to numb their pain. When I looked back at my response to their blog I was surprised myself about what I let God write through my fingers into the blog response thingy. Here is what I wrote: Well the reason why is that we are not witnessing Christ to them like we are supposed to. It is our fault that people do what they do to numb the pain. If we TRULY reached out, not just what we think is reaching out. If we truly suffered with people. Not just invited them to our events at Church, not just witnessed to them once and then forgot about them but we actually went after them and asked them for their phone numbers to help them out, stuff like that, then maybe they would not want to numb their pain for they would see Christ through us instead of seeing people writing my space blogs about them numbing their pain. They might see something to commit to, something that is real that is greater then their alcohol. The point of all that I am writing is that we need to truly reach out. Remember, the Church shapes the face of the world. That is how it has always been and always will be. God speaks to people through people. Through human hearts to human hearts. I hope you can see that. Wait no, you can see that because you say that you love God, and if you love God you will obey Him and that means reaching out for His son reached out to others and His son did what He saw the Father doing. So it will be all right. That is if you are obedient. That is if you love Him. How much more perfect an answer to witnessing to the lost. We need to show them our lives and not our words. Basically what God was trying to say through me, was to stop yelling at them for choosing what they choose to do to numb their pain away, and actually do something about it. Go to those people and suffer with them. Be a part of their lives and the like, that is what shows Jesus to a person. Not handing out tracks, not even evangelizing. The Word says that evangelism is a bi-product of our walk with God. If our walk with God is truly Godly and holy, it will show them Jesus, we will not really have to explain to people with many words. The glory that we would carry would draw them to us. Why cant people see it. I remember my one friend who read an old account of two monks. The one took his monk friend with him into town and said, Let us witness and preach to the people. All they did was walk through the town. And when they left the town the other monk was puzzled and said, Weren't we going to witness and preach about the Lord to the people in that town. The other monk replied.We did, by our lives, by the way that we lived, we preached and witnessed everywhere we walked. One of the great sins of this generation and this age, is that we believe by our knowledge that we can win the lost to Christ, not by our lives which everyone really looks to, which is the real way that we witness and preach Christ to the people. Why cant people grasp this. Am I a freak? If I am a freak, then I will happily be a freak. But wherever I go I witness and preach Christ. I honor His name.A blind person can witness Christ just as effective as a man who can see.
  About the influx of voters (AKA: Racism and discrimination) I find it funny that all of a sudden when a (Sarcastic tone) brother is in running for the vote, that all of a sudden there is an influx of black people voting for that one man. I find it funny that when there is a "Kennedy" backing the man along with Oprah, that all of a sudden women are voting for Obama. (Also the fact that the Kennedy's did the most harm to the White House. Clinton was caught, the Kennedy's were not.) It is all too familiar. Racism, racism, racism. I get really sick and tired of it always getting back to slavery or about all the African Americans who fought in the war, rather then it being about America and the fact that this nation is dying or has died already. I am sick of all the racism and discrimination surrounding black people. Can they not forget and move on. Can they stop pointing the finger, can they finally accept that this American nation is for everyone. I bet if Obama was white this wouldn't be happening. But you know what America, keep being racist. Funny thing too, blacks scream at us whites that we are racist when in fact they are racist. Suddenly voting because a black man is in office proves that you are racist. Always calling other black people "brother" proves that you are racist. So really if racism is backing Obama. It is not about color of skin, race or nationality or sex, it is about the future of America. It is about standing up for what is right. I wish that this nation could go back to the way that it used to be. I wish for people to equally judge the candidates and those who are running for whatever it is that they are running for. But it will never be like that. People always bring in their screwed up politics that ignore logic and nondiscriminationism. I have never been about any of that. I treat all people the same, I judge their character and not their ability to impress a great number of people with their flashy words.

Above is a scanned portion of my Katana.  Note that I said scanned for I have no digital camera to take a picture of the whole sword.